11 Common Misconceptions About Branding

“A product can be quickly outdated, but a successful brand is timeless.”

What makes a successful business? The fastest answer would be – the product or service you offer!

Well, not quite right…

While the product or service is a crucial key for a business to run, but there is something more to it. You can be the best consultant or service provider the world ever saw and no one would come knocking at your door. The answer to that problem is branding! The way people perceive your business can often be more important than the things you offer! Despite that, not a lot of people see that. In this article, I will tell you the most common misconceptions about branding you need to know.

We don’t need to be special, Let’s fit everyone:
Every business needs a USP to stand out. If your business doesn’t have any USP, how you going to decide the tone and things while marketing your business. Let me make it more simple for you, When we see a logo of Mcdonald’s the very first thing comes in our mind is “Burgers”. You know why? Because that’s their USP, that makes them stand out from other fast-food chains. So, before marketing your business, you need to figure out what’s your or your business’s USP.

Branding is just a name and logo:
Logo, the name of your business is a part of your branding, but branding is much more than a name or a logo. Branding is all about the feelings, features, and emotions associated with your company. Let’s take the example of the “Liverpool Football Club”. We all are very well aware of LFC, the fans of LFC have an emotional attachment with it, that’s made the Liverpool Football club so popular among all the football fan across the world.

Customers only care about product / service:
Actually, customers care a lot about choosing a brand that appeals to them and are able to connect with. A stuntman or a fan of extreme sports are more likely to pick a Red Bull energy drink over, for example, a Monster. That’s because Red Bull promotes themselves among these groups of people. Or, imagine walking into a drugstore looking for toothpaste. Which one are you more likely to pick? The one you saw an advertisement of (it showed footage of smiling people with perfectly white teeth) or some other random paste you’ve never heard about.

Well, obviously the first one! According to Malcolm Gladwell: “Buyers make most decisions by relying on their two-second first impressions based on stored memories, images and feelings” (Gladwell, The Power of Thinking Without Thinking) – that means, an advertisement you saw some time ago is now embedded in your brain and will impact your choices! No matter how good the other toothpaste is, or how bad the first one might be, you will most likely choose the one you are familiar with. Read more…

How can a Startup Hire the Best Android App Development Company?

Thus, if you are planning to come up with an android app for your startup or wondering about how to develop an android app, then look nowhere else. Here, in this article, we are providing you with an app development guide that will help you to serve your purpose. So, here are the tips that you must follow if you want your startup to be flourished.

Validate your idea through the android app development

When you are planning to come up with a mobile app, make sure to validate your startup idea. And you have to do it before hiring any android app developer company. You have to be precise about the fact that your app must strike a chord with your target audience.

Craft the wireframe of your app

After validating your startup, the first thing that you have to is to create a wireframe for your app. It will convey your potential customers that you have something in your palate to offer. Thus, what you have to do is to add some details to your product on a wireframing tool or document. Besides, you also have to incorporate the flow of your app and how users are going to navigate it.

Get rid of the features that you don’t need in the first version of the app

Now, it is time to take a peek on the features, flow, prototype, and other features. It will help you to comprehend the elements that you can exclude from your app. In case, if you are going through any confusion, you can get in touch with the best android app development companies, they will help you to develop an android app for your startup.

It’s time to design your app

Well, most of the startups neglect the looks and design of the app. They always point their focus on the development of the app. However, it is one of the mistakes that they do. If you want to attract the customers, you have to make sure that the design of your app is attractive and user-friendly.

Create a pitch so that you can approach your technical co-founders

Once you are done with the above-written points, you must prepare a pitch for your technical co-founders. You have to make sure that your pitch consists of all the things like the brief about your app, your customers, context, background, wireframe, and the details about monetization.

Now, you can hire the Android app developer

Well, it’s time to hire an app developer. Whenever you are hiring an app developer, be precise that they have a strong designing team. Also, be affirming that the developing team is also up to the mark. Also, before signing any deals with them, check their credibility online. Also, go through the apps that they have created.

What should you do after hiring the developers?

Now that you have hired the developers, you have to take care of the design of the app. Besides, there are some other things that you must consider. So, here are the things that we are talking about.

Make sure to register with a developer account on relevant app stores. That app store will help you to sell your app through its platform.

Make use of analytic tools. It will help you to monitor the user engagement, number of downloads of your app, and other things. In this way, you will get an insight into the areas that you should improve.

When your app goes live on the app store, the first set of your customers are quite significant. Their behavior will give you insights about your app. Thus, it will be helpful to modify your app.

Check whether the android app development services that you have hired are providing you with post-development support. It will help you to grow your startup.

Therefore, if you are confused about how to app development, go through these points.

Why is it better to choose Android app services than iOS?

When it comes to startups, android app development is more convenient. They have numerous things to offer. Be it open source availability or easy downloading, android developing an android app is pretty effortless.

Some of the advantages that of developing an android app over iOS apps are:

The platforms of the android app are open source platform- Well, in the case of androids, development tools are free. Therefore, you can understand that the development costs are pretty low.

Customization methods are flexible- When it comes to the customization method, android apps are pretty flexible. We have already discussed that it is open source. Therefore, there are lots of APIs that you can use to modify the app.

Android apps have a better scope of development compared to iOS- If you observe the android market right now, you will acknowledge that it has a better range for growth. Besides, they consist of a better market share.

App approvals are faster- Well, it is one of the most significant benefits when it comes to android app development. Compared to iOS, you will get quicker approval of android apps. They give much priority to their app than iOS.

What are the myths that you must ignore?

Whenever you are about to come up with a mobile android app, you may have to come across some myths. Thus, it is imperative to bust those myths. So, here are some myths that you must ignore

Your job is done after the development

Most of the time, we think that our job is done after the development of the app. However, you are wrong in this way. You must know that building an app is the most natural thing in the process. The toughest part of the process is to gather customers. Therefore, don’t consider your work done after developing the app.

Make sure not to ask feedback from your friends and relatives

Well, it is essential to avoid the feedbacks from your relatives and friends. Instead of your friends and relatives, try to gather feedback from the real users. They are the best people to provide you with significant insights. If someone has paid for your app, make sure that their comment is valuable.

Sore Male Organ Culprit: Fighting Delayed Emission

Many men who enjoy an active intimate life (whether with a partner or alone), find that the result of all that pleasure can be a very sore male organ. (Is the pain worth the price? Most men would say yes.) A sore male organ is especially likely in the cases of men who find themselves the victim of delayed emission. Treating a sore male organ, and attempting to treat delayed emission, is a requirement to ensure continued male organ health – and to restore enjoyment of a man’s intimate activities.

Early on gets the publicity.
Delayed emission may not seem like much of a problem to many men. Guys are much more used to hearing about the problem of early on emission, in which a man comes too soon. But delayed emission is indeed a concern for some men.

Also called impaired or retarded emission, delayed emission refers to any situation in which a man is either unable to early release (despite the presence of a strong enlarged) or can only early release after an abnormally long time of continuous stimulated activity. In some cases, a man with this condition may engage in mutual pleasure for two or more hours without releasing – which can indeed cause a mighty sore male organ.

This should not be confused with edging, a practice in which a man intentionally prevents himself from ejaculating over a period of time. With delayed emission, a man is trying to change to ‘release, but not succeeding.

Figures are hard to come by, but some experts believe the incidence of delayed emission is 3% or less; however, mutual pleasure therapists have reported that this figure may be increasing.

Why the increase?
The supposed reason for the possible increase is related to either a presumed greater incidence in solo activity in general among men and/or a greater exposure to adult media.

Delayed emission sometimes results when a man’s male organ becomes sensitized to being handled a certain way during manual stroking. When this happens, a man may find that the sensations of vaginal pleasure a partner, while pleasurable, are not intense enough to stimulate the male organ to emission.

By the same token, some men who incorporate adult film into their solo experiences may become “wired” to find specific images and scenarios exciting. Without those images, they may find it difficult to achieve sufficient stimulation for release.

It should be noted that both of these explanations are theories only and that most men who get off frequently and/or use adult film continue to enjoy a healthy intimate life.

Other causes
Delayed emission may also be related to other causes, such as certain medications (including some antidepressants and high blood pressure medications) and certain medical conditions (including nerve damage, prostate problems, urinary tract infections and heart disease).

Depending on the cause, there are several things a man can do to alleviate delayed emission. Decreasing the frequency of manual stroking and/or using a different hand may be helpful, as may be cutting down on the amount of exposure to adult film. Consulting a doctor about a different medication or getting treatment for a medical condition that may be contributing to the problem is also advised. It may take some time to “retrain” the male organ so that the issue resolves.

As mentioned, many men with delayed emission can experience a seriously sore male organ from all the friction and stimulation over an extended period of time. Treating the sore male organ is generally easier than treating delayed emission, especially if one employs a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Proper hydration is essential for soothing a raw manhood, so using a crème that include both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and an exceptional natural hydrator (such as vitamin) will help to replenish the skin oils and aid the healing process. Since male organ de-sensitization may contribute to delayed emission, using a crème with acetyl L carnitine is highly recommended. This ingredient is neuroprotective and can help to avoid peripheral nerve damage that can impact male organ sensitivity.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.