11 Common Misconceptions About Branding

“A product can be quickly outdated, but a successful brand is timeless.”

What makes a successful business? The fastest answer would be – the product or service you offer!

Well, not quite right…

While the product or service is a crucial key for a business to run, but there is something more to it. You can be the best consultant or service provider the world ever saw and no one would come knocking at your door. The answer to that problem is branding! The way people perceive your business can often be more important than the things you offer! Despite that, not a lot of people see that. In this article, I will tell you the most common misconceptions about branding you need to know.

We don’t need to be special, Let’s fit everyone:
Every business needs a USP to stand out. If your business doesn’t have any USP, how you going to decide the tone and things while marketing your business. Let me make it more simple for you, When we see a logo of Mcdonald’s the very first thing comes in our mind is “Burgers”. You know why? Because that’s their USP, that makes them stand out from other fast-food chains. So, before marketing your business, you need to figure out what’s your or your business’s USP.

Branding is just a name and logo:
Logo, the name of your business is a part of your branding, but branding is much more than a name or a logo. Branding is all about the feelings, features, and emotions associated with your company. Let’s take the example of the “Liverpool Football Club”. We all are very well aware of LFC, the fans of LFC have an emotional attachment with it, that’s made the Liverpool Football club so popular among all the football fan across the world.

Customers only care about product / service:
Actually, customers care a lot about choosing a brand that appeals to them and are able to connect with. A stuntman or a fan of extreme sports are more likely to pick a Red Bull energy drink over, for example, a Monster. That’s because Red Bull promotes themselves among these groups of people. Or, imagine walking into a drugstore looking for toothpaste. Which one are you more likely to pick? The one you saw an advertisement of (it showed footage of smiling people with perfectly white teeth) or some other random paste you’ve never heard about.

Well, obviously the first one! According to Malcolm Gladwell: “Buyers make most decisions by relying on their two-second first impressions based on stored memories, images and feelings” (Gladwell, The Power of Thinking Without Thinking) – that means, an advertisement you saw some time ago is now embedded in your brain and will impact your choices! No matter how good the other toothpaste is, or how bad the first one might be, you will most likely choose the one you are familiar with. Read more…

Male Organ Health and Frottage: Safety Tips

Keywords: male organ health, frottage, male organ health crème
Summary: Not all sensual activity is penetrative. Some couples rub up against one another in a method called frottage to attain sensual stimulation. How safe is this practice, and what does it mean for male organ health?
Title: Male Organ Health and Frottage: Safety Tips

Frottage is defined in a number of ways. Some people mean “dry-humping,” or rubbing the privates against another person while both are clothed; some people use the word to describe the highly illegal and immoral practice of rubbing oneself against others in a crowd for sensual pleasure. Here, frottage will refer to the act of two or more bodies rubbing together clothed or unclothed to achieve sensual stimulation. Since it is a type of sensual activity that involves no penetration, some may think that the practice is 100% safe. Yet that may not be the case. In the interest of maintaining optimal male organ health, men need to know the risks associated with this activity.


Anytime a man’s seed enters a female organ, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Researchers still aren’t sure if pre-emission fluid can cause pregnancy, but it may be able to do so. This means that people engaging in privates rubbing may still run the risk of conceiving if they allow the man’s fluids near the opening of the female organ.

Sensually transmitted infections?

Sensually transmitted infections can be passed through skin-to-skin contact or through bodily fluids like manhood or female organ discharge, or blood.

It’s always a good idea to ask sensual partners the following:

• When were they last tested, for what, and what were the results?
• Have they had new partners since then?
• How well do they know their past partners’ sensual histories?
• Do they use protection with other partners?

Other Infections

Jock itch is caused by an overgrowth of the tinea cruris fungus and is a common groin rash among men. Though it rarely impacts women, it is possible for the fungus to spread to them.

If a woman has a yeast infection, she can pass it through her fluids to a man. Even if he’s not penetrating, if she is wet and his male organ gets her fluids on it, it’s possible to contract the yeast infection.


Rough, dry skin is a common result of friction, and there’s no shortage of friction while frotting, especially if partners are doing so clothed. The female organ area may become sore and raw, as may the male organ. Both these results often come along with penetrative activity as well.

Safety First

Frotting partners will be safest if they take precautions against possible health issues related to the practice. If pregnancy is not desired and the partners are engaging in privates rubbing, it’s a good idea to use protection even though penetration isn’t occurring. This can also help prevent the spread of any infections that may be in the area, although it doesn’t guarantee this.

Another thing couples may want to do is use lubricant while frotting. This can help prevent a lot of dry skin and chafing issues. If wearing clothes, try to avoid rough materials like denim and garments with buttons or zippers.

Men may overlook the importance of skin care, but maintaining healthy manhood skin is imperative not only for the look and feel of the member, but for its ability to sense pleasure as well. That’s why it’s a good idea for men to use a quality male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). With both Shea butter and vitamin E, this crème is a fantastic moisturizer made specifically for the male organ. It also includes acetyl L-carnitine, which protects nerves from the kind of damage that often comes with rough handling. This may help men maintain a high level of sensitivity, meaning a more pleasurable sensual life. Keeping the male organ in peak condition is always advised, and doing so is easier with Man1 Man Oil.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.


But does that mean, being a woman is a curse in this world? The answer is a straight NO!

Women are among the best and thrilling creatures alive on the earth due to one of the most important abilities they possess. The ability to give birth to a new human being to this land. Though, this ability can evolve into a curse, if the pregnancy is unwanted and unplanned.

As humans being a social animal, there are several norms set by the ancestors which have taken a different approach in this new way of the world. These rigid and patriarchal norms are orthodoxy in the given time and require an absolute change. A woman can only give birth to a child if she desires because of the basic motive of her nurturing the child lifetime.

Though, this is possible for a happily married woman. Yet, what if the cause of pregnancy is some unfortunate event? What if the pregnancy is a result of failed pills or condoms? What if early pregnancy is due to a lack of sex education? There are a lot of reasons a woman can fall into this natural phase.

The complication arises when one is limiting herself for an unwanted pregnancy due to the typical norms and conditions of society. In India, abortion is legal. The law permits abortion for any circumstances that fall under the predetermined ones. The existing circumstances in which one can go for abortion in India are as follows:

If the pregnancy is due to unfortunate situations. (Rape, sexual assault, and so on)
If the pregnancy is due to failed contraceptives.
If the pregnancy has a substantial risk for continuing the pregnancy to the child as well as the soon-to-be-mother.
If the pregnancy can lead to a major drawback to the woman involved.
Due to the reason of considering abortion as a taboo in several parts of India, the complications tend to rise as the information about abortion hospitals in India and several things pertaining to it comes to a halt. And still, the question remains. “Where to get an abortion?”

There are very few officially stated medical institutes that provide abortions despite the personal opinion of the doctor. The opinion of the doctor is secondary as compared to the woman bearing a child, and the major flaw of the system is that medical practitioners contribute to the norms of the society neglecting the facts of reality grounds of the women involved.

Medical support should be used to eradicate problems rather than creating more. Yet, this flaw has generated a rise in illegal practices of abortion vividly in India. The stage of early pregnancy abortion is also considered to be the utmost shame a girl can go through. The highly recorded illegal abortion in India is the early pregnancy abortion. This rise of illegal practices has several heinous counter-reactions to the girl involved.

And this needs to stop! In the 21st century, a woman or a girl does not require to shy away from standing for herself before the orthodox norms. So, here we are introducing you to one of the safest medically legal abortion centres in India where you can avail of all the requirements feasible.

Vardaan hospital is one of the safest medical institutions for an early pregnancy abortion or any unwanted abortions. Here, the patient is given all the treatments and support possible for her well-being under the consent of her parents or guardians. If the girl is willingly desiring to keep the child at her teenage phase, Vardaan hospital has services for that as well. Such as

Balancing pregnancy with school and relationships.
Healthy habits during pregnancy.
Talking to loved ones about pregnancy.
New-born care.
The change begins with one individual. And if this article reaches even a single person, we count it as our success. So, the next time someone around asks you, “Where to get an abortion?” you know the answer well and good.